Friday, 6 January 2012


Writing for 5 bold, beautiful and unedited minutes this morning with the Gypsy Mama.  Click the button or visit to join the fun


I want to roar.  I want to roar long and loud and fierce.  I think it might provide some kind of expulsion I need.  Pent up frustration, heartache, heartbreak, anger, despair - all of that could be summed up in a roar.  The lion has it right.  He can also roar for joy - and just because he wants to and that's how I want to roar too.  It is magnificent and expressive and most of all LOUD!  I need something loud, because my prayers feel smaller and smaller and less heard and somehow less important.  The roar would just say it how it is and the very act would maybe make me feel better too.  Maybe that's how we should pray - roar our prayers!  Roar the joy!  Roar the hunger!  Roar the praise!  Roar the hopes!  Sometimes we just need that big and bold and beautiful, and not the whisper of a spirit.  And I ask that God guides me in roars too!  Not the whisper so uncertainty can creep in - let it be big and bold so I can step out in faith and roar through this life I've been given, knowing I walk harmoniously.

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