Thursday, 21 March 2013


Linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday today.    So often the word prompt is so in tune with something heartfelt for me and this week's prompt is "remember"

My husband's birthday is today, and this time last year heralded a very different set of circumstances.  A place I never wanted to be, and never want to go again, and would never wish on anyone.  Far too often a parent may hear the words "your child has a mass in the brain"
That mass became a cancer diagnosis for my precious and brave girl.  A year on, I can't help but be filled with gratitude for a daughter with me here today, a family intact.  It's a journey travelled and we walk it  every - single - day.
A year on stirs so many memories for me in so many ways but today I'm sharing a blog post I wrote last year as a tribute to the bravery of my daughter who fought so courageously and today is my walking miracle and reminder of God's good grace and the simple truth that for very purpose under heaven there is a season, a time for all things.  So shine brave Jasmine and be all that you can be!

Please take 5 minutes to remember with me :-

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