Friday, 24 February 2012


We're writing with Lisa-Jo over thegypsymama for Five Minute Friday today.  Click the link and join us -


I take a breath and I close my eyes and I allow the Holy Spirit to fill me with courage.  Not courage of my own making, but His courage, His strength.  God has all the resources and power at his fingertips to make miracles happen and accomplish anything.  I don't have that power.  I don't even come remotely close.  I can work hard, but if I lean on my own understanding, I am shortchanging myself out of what could be.  It's hard to take this step of courage.  It's hard to stand on faith and I'm grateful that this faith is a gift.  True grit comes from having the faith to stay the course, to take the next step, to have the courage to follow when the plans I have, and the plans the Lord has may not match up.  Will I be able to do this great big thing called life?  Only in harmony, in obedience, in courage and in faith.  And I need as much grit, determination, courage and heart for when things are running smoothly as when things aren't.  Why?  Because ALL times are from God.  He allows all to happen to us to work out for our good, because God IS good.  I humble myself to give thanks and the grit comes with gratefulness, for knowing that what was broken can be healed and restored, and what was lost can be found, good news for me - good news for you, friend!

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